This morning while I was trying to figure out what to do with the excess books I have on my bookcases and through out my house I had a small "brain child." I just realized that we are heading into the season of giving and then I started thinking about how I could give. Then that thought turned into wouldn't it be cool if I (if anyone else likes the idea and wants to team up I'm game) could come up with an event that Book Bloggers could participate in? The it came down to what hasn't been done (at least as far as I know anyway) in the book blogging community? There are TONS of Giveaway Hops and Giveaways so those kind of got pushed to the side. Then the more I started thinking about it the more I thought that it could still be a Giveaway but in addition to a cool prize you get to help someone else out too. Like a charitable auction maybe? An unconventional giveaway :) Bid on a prize and the winner's winning bid goes to their choice of charity or library?!
Then that turned into IF I were to do something like this how exactly would it work? Would it be strictly bookish related things or could the items be anything? How would I "advertise" the event (since I'm starting over and I'm a small fish in a great big pond)? Would anyone out there even want to donate items? Is it even a good idea to being with? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'll spare you the full length novel diatribe of questions I came up with.
So what are your thoughts bloggers? Is this something that you would participate in? Is this something you would consider donating too? Let me hear it peeps! :)
Have a great day!
The Romance Palace ~ A Book Blog
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Feature Idea's
So after viewing several WOW's this week that hosted sequels to books that I
have sitting on my TBR bookcase. I've been kicking around the idea of hosting a
feature where you the readers/followers of the blog will get to choose my next
read and help me unclutter my shelves. I haven't thought of a catchy name for
it yet and I haven't decided when I'm going to start it yet but it is most
definately in the works. I'm even throwing around the idea of giving away some
of the chosen books after I read them.
Another feature I've been kicking around is "Laci Recommends." For this feature I'm getting a little bit personal and letting my furbaby take over the blog for a day. I used to do a similar feature on my old blog and I really enjoyed doing it so I'll be bringing it back. I think until I get some more content up on the blog it will be a once every 2 weeks feature but after that it will be a weekly feature.
I'm also kicking around an idea for a once a week (maybe) personal feature. Where y'all can learn a little bit more about me and my other hobbies outside of reading. I guess the idea for this feature came to me while reading a Bloggiesta mini-challenge, where someone commented about losing the "personal side" to her blog. I don't want my blog to turn into book blog "robot" and I definately don't want it to feel impersonal either.
I'm looking forward to feedback/discussion on these idea's. Please feel free to share your thoughts on these idea's in the comment section below.
Another feature I've been kicking around is "Laci Recommends." For this feature I'm getting a little bit personal and letting my furbaby take over the blog for a day. I used to do a similar feature on my old blog and I really enjoyed doing it so I'll be bringing it back. I think until I get some more content up on the blog it will be a once every 2 weeks feature but after that it will be a weekly feature.
I'm also kicking around an idea for a once a week (maybe) personal feature. Where y'all can learn a little bit more about me and my other hobbies outside of reading. I guess the idea for this feature came to me while reading a Bloggiesta mini-challenge, where someone commented about losing the "personal side" to her blog. I don't want my blog to turn into book blog "robot" and I definately don't want it to feel impersonal either.
I'm looking forward to feedback/discussion on these idea's. Please feel free to share your thoughts on these idea's in the comment section below.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Stacking the Shelves #1
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga of Tynga's Reviews. This is our opportunity to show off all the lovely books that we got during the week. Please feel free to leave links to your STS/IMM in the comments below and I'll drop by and check it out :)
Summary (from goodreads): Sean (Right-Hook) Reilly knows a few things about himself. One, he's the middle-weight boxing champion of the world with an undefeated record. Two, women find his cocky persona, chiseled biceps, and inked body sexy. Also, the fact that it's known that he doesn't do relationships only adds to his sex appeal. And three, he's Irish, proud of it, and a member of the Braithreachas Don Saol, a branch of the Irish mafia and king pins of the drug cartel taking over the streets of Cleveland.
Connor Doyle(aka Connie) the boss and leader of the Braithreachas Don Saol, has been like a father to Sean, taking him under his wing and teaching him how to survive on the streets after the death of his parents. Sean has never been ungrateful, but has always wanted one thing...
More. More to live for. More to fight for. More to believe in. A chance at a future without drugs or guns. A chance at a future without wondering which day will be his last.
There's only one problem with that. You live by the braithreachas. You die by the braithreachas. And Sean knows whether Connie considers him to be family or not, the only way he'll be leaving the braithreachas is in a body bag.
Hadlee Flax has had a year to overcome her issues. After almost being raped and brutalized, she's putting her best foot forward, seeing a therapist, and has even(with some persuasion from her best friend, Lara) enrolled in self defense classes. And she's doing well moving on with her life until she meets the dark, and conflicted Irish boxing champion of the world, Sean Reilly.
Hadlee is immediately drawn to the gorgeous, cold, and mysterious man who speaks with a slight Irish brogue. She soon learns that there is much more to him than his darkened gaze, cool demeanor, and body covered in tattoos. He's not the type of man she thought he was. And Hadlee finds herself doing something she never thought she would do in the last year...
Falling for a guy.
Falling for Sean Reilly. A man who is on the path to becoming a boxing legend.
One thing Hadlee doesn't know is the other part of Seans' life. His life of drug running, and killing. Or the fact that when he's not boxing he's walking the streets with a gat tucked into the back of his loose jeans, and glancing over his shoulder at every turn.
But it doesn't take Hadlee long to learn that some attractions and relationships can be fatal.
And sometimes...
They just might be worth fighting for

Connor Doyle(aka Connie) the boss and leader of the Braithreachas Don Saol, has been like a father to Sean, taking him under his wing and teaching him how to survive on the streets after the death of his parents. Sean has never been ungrateful, but has always wanted one thing...
More. More to live for. More to fight for. More to believe in. A chance at a future without drugs or guns. A chance at a future without wondering which day will be his last.
There's only one problem with that. You live by the braithreachas. You die by the braithreachas. And Sean knows whether Connie considers him to be family or not, the only way he'll be leaving the braithreachas is in a body bag.
Hadlee Flax has had a year to overcome her issues. After almost being raped and brutalized, she's putting her best foot forward, seeing a therapist, and has even(with some persuasion from her best friend, Lara) enrolled in self defense classes. And she's doing well moving on with her life until she meets the dark, and conflicted Irish boxing champion of the world, Sean Reilly.
Hadlee is immediately drawn to the gorgeous, cold, and mysterious man who speaks with a slight Irish brogue. She soon learns that there is much more to him than his darkened gaze, cool demeanor, and body covered in tattoos. He's not the type of man she thought he was. And Hadlee finds herself doing something she never thought she would do in the last year...
Falling for a guy.
Falling for Sean Reilly. A man who is on the path to becoming a boxing legend.
One thing Hadlee doesn't know is the other part of Seans' life. His life of drug running, and killing. Or the fact that when he's not boxing he's walking the streets with a gat tucked into the back of his loose jeans, and glancing over his shoulder at every turn.
But it doesn't take Hadlee long to learn that some attractions and relationships can be fatal.
And sometimes...
They just might be worth fighting for
Friday, October 5, 2012
Book Review ~ Virgin River (Virgin River #1) by Robyn Carr
Title: Virgin River
Author: Robyn Carr
Series: Virgin River #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: Personal Purchase
Author: Robyn Carr
Series: Virgin River #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: Personal Purchase
Sexual Meter: sex scenes, acts of sensuality
“Wanted: Midwife/nurse practitioner in Virgin River, population six hundred. Make a difference against the backdrop of towering California redwoods and crystal-clear rivers. Rent-free cabin included.”
When the recently widowed Melinda Monroe sees this ad she quickly decides that the remote mountain town of Virgin River might be the perfect place to escape her heartache, and to reenergize the nursing career she loves. But her high hopes are dashed within an hour of arriving: the cabin is a dump, the roads are treacherous and the local doctor wants nothing to do with her. Realizing she’s made a huge mistake, Mel decides to leave town the following morning.But a tiny baby, abandoned on a front porch, changes her plans…and a former marine cements them into place.
Melinda Monroe may have come to Virgin River looking for escape, but instead she finds her home.
I downloaded the first 4 books of the Virgin River series onto my Nook a long time ago. I just hadn’t gotten around to reading them until just recently. Then I’ve been in a reading/reviewing dry spell. So now here is my review, better late than never
Mel Monroe moves to Virgin River after the death of her husband to help out the aging town doctor. When she get’s there she finds that the Doc wants nothing to do with her and is trying to force her out. She also meets Jack Sheridan, bar owner, former Marine and overall good guy. Just watching Jack and Mel fall in love is so much fun. Add in all the secondary characters that make Virgin River what it is and you are in for an endearing and sometimes comical read.
The drama that is added to this story and the authenticity of the midwife scene’s really made me enjoy this book even more. I guess my only quirk with the book was that at some points I just felt that there was a little bit too much information being provided. I also thought that in some of the scenes with Jack and Mel there was a tich to much “cheese” added.
Overall, Virgin River is a great start to this series and I’ve already continued on. I’m on the 6th book in the series and I’ve only found 1 book in the 6 I’ve been through that I didn’t care for at all. Please check out this series. It’s way worth the investment
Rating: B
18 and Over Book Blogger Follow ~ BDSM Themes
Question Of The Week: With all the hype about BDSM themed books lately thanks to the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, what is one BDSM that you think is better? Or if you haven't read 50Shades, what is a BDSM themed book that you would recommend over it?I haven't read Fifty Shades of Grey yet, though I do own the first book in E-book format. Since I haven't read Fifty yet I am going to recommend ANY of Lorelei James' Rough Rider series. The McKay's are good with not only their hands but also ropes, cuffs, popsicles as well as various pieces of fruit just to name a few things.
Friday Follow #1
Q: What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Is it to one day become an author yourself, just for fun, maybe get some online attention, or maybe something very different?
I like to keep things simple. My goal for both of my blogs (I also book blog at The Paranormal Palace) is to rebuild my readership after taking an extended book blogging vacation. For me personally, this is a really fun hobby. When it starts to feel like a job that is the point at which I need to re-evaluate things. I guess part of what I love about book blogging is making new friends who share a common interest with me which is books. If I turn into a "big" book blogger, so be it. If not it's all good.
What about you? What are some of your blogging goals?
If you are a new follower please let me know. I look forward to making new book blogging friends :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Giving Chase (Chase Brothers #1) by Lauren Dane
Chase by Lauren Dane
"A plate of Chili Cheese Fries + pants = True Love"
"A plate of Chili Cheese Fries + pants = True Love"
Title: Giving Chase
Author: Lauren Dane
Series: Chase Brothers #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotica
Source: Personal E-Book purchase
Rating: A-
Sexual Meter: Sex scene's, acts of sensuality, graphic language and violence
I really enjoyed this book very much. I downloaded
this book onto my Nook on a whim and once I finished this book I automatically
downloaded the next 3 books in the series. It was just that good and that dang
Our heroine Maggie has just been dumped by yet
another boyfriend, ha ha sucks to be him, and is out with her girlfriends, Liv
and Dee, at The Pumphouse when the Chase brothers walk in for their weekly pool
night. The Chase brothers are the one group of guys in the town of Petal, GA
that EVERY woman wants to get there hands on, LITERALLY, Maggie included. A
little run in with Sheriff Shane Chase and a plate of Chili Cheese fries in her
lap, a bat crap crazy mother/sister combination and a creepy stalker starts off
a whirlwind of excitement in this book.
Shane Chase has been burned by women before.
Needless to say his attitude towards Maggie in the beginning is well, he climbed
on his menstrual cycle and tried to run her ass over. But after apologizing
Shane decides that he wants to take Maggie out on a date, do the casual thing.
All goes well for a while. But then the good looking nutcase implodes is own
In steps little brother Kyle to clean up the mess. Yeah White Knight! Kyle is the exact opposite of Shane. He befriends Maggie first then goes about pursuing a relationship with her. And BOY HOWDY do things get HOT when the smexing starts.
The one thing that I really didn't care for in this book was Maggie's mother and sister. Can you say emotionally abusive much?! I think that all the drama that's thrown in, Kyle's mom Polly or Tsunami Polly as I like to call her, and the budding romance between Kyle and Maggie even out all the emotional abuse.
Overall, I was really happy with the first book in this series and I most definitely continued on with it. If you haven't checked out this series please do!
In steps little brother Kyle to clean up the mess. Yeah White Knight! Kyle is the exact opposite of Shane. He befriends Maggie first then goes about pursuing a relationship with her. And BOY HOWDY do things get HOT when the smexing starts.
The one thing that I really didn't care for in this book was Maggie's mother and sister. Can you say emotionally abusive much?! I think that all the drama that's thrown in, Kyle's mom Polly or Tsunami Polly as I like to call her, and the budding romance between Kyle and Maggie even out all the emotional abuse.
Overall, I was really happy with the first book in this series and I most definitely continued on with it. If you haven't checked out this series please do!
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